ソウル(鍾路区) , 仁寺洞・鍾路

ソウル特別市鍾路区の昌慶宮(チャンギョングン)は、昌徳宮とともに朝鮮王朝(1392-1910)別宮のうちの一つです。 1418年に世宗(1397-1450)が王位に就いた後、退いた太宗(1367-1422)が穏やかに余生を送れるようにと建てた寿康宮がその始まりです。昌慶宮は日帝強占期(1910-1945)に昌慶苑に格下げされ、動物園と植物園のある遊園地になっていましたが、その後動物園が果川に移り復元し1983年に本来の名前を取り戻したという経緯のあるところです。 昌慶宮は正門である弘化門を過ぎるとすぐに玉川橋に出ますが、これは朝鮮の宮闕が全て正門をくぐってすぐにアーチ型の橋があるという特徴が見られる所です。この橋を渡って明政門を通るとある明政殿は朝鮮宮闕正殿としては最も古いものです。朝鮮時代の正殿は南向きですが、明政殿は東向きで、これは先王たちを奉った宗廟が南側にあり、儒教慣習に従って門を開けることができなかったことによるものです。春塘池は元々その半分が王が稲作を行った水田だったところを日帝強占期に池にした場所で、その他にも崇文堂、通明殿など多くの見所があります。

ソウル(江東区) , ソウル東部


ソウル(鍾路区) , 仁寺洞・鍾路

Larva Town(ラーバタウン/ラバタウン)は3つのテーマのスペースから構成されています。 1. tuba N トゥル(ガーデン) 光化門(カンファムン)を象徴する守門将をモチーフにしたLarva(ラーバ/ラバ)が入口で皆さんをお出迎え。 またその後ろにはアニメーションの一場面で人の手がLarvaに襲い掛かる場面を再現した銀色の巨大なオブジェがあり、格好のフォトゾーンとなっています。そのスペースの向こうには正六角形のブロックを組み合わせて作った異色なガーデンスペース・tuba N トゥル(ガーデン)があり、市民の憩いの場となっています。 2.  tuba N goods  tuba Nの代表キャラクターLarvaをはじめ、幼稚園生を中心に人気のダイノコア、10代から30代の女性に人気のウィンクルベアグッズなどが一堂に会した売場となっています。 3. カフェWingcle  tuba Nのストップモーションアニメ「カフェWingcle」をモチーフにしたカフェで、かわいいウィンクルのキャラクターやお楽しみがいっぱいの中でさまざまなドリンクやフードをお楽しみいただけます。





江原道(束草市) , 束草・雪岳山

雪岳ケーブルカーを利用すると、短時間で雪岳山の魅力を味わうことができます。真夏や秋の紅葉時、週末などには、ケーブルカーに乗車するまで2~3時間待たなくてはならない程多くの観光客が訪れます。ケーブルカーからは権金城一帯の奇岩絶壁や小公園一帯、蔚山岩などが一望できます。 また、東北の方向には束草市内や東海が見えます。ロープウエーから降りて20~30分程登って行くと権金城に到着します。ここからは外雪岳を一望することができます。

ソウル(瑞草区) , 江南・三成(COEX)


江原道(洪川郡) , 春川

We are happy to let you know that the time for VIVA SKI has finally arrived again in 2017! Followed by great success in 2016, more enjoyable programmes have been Explore winter activities and K-theme programmes in No.1 ski resort in Korea The VIVALDI PARK SKI WORLD has been noted for being the most visited Ski resort in Korea for seven consecutive years. It has its state-of-the art facilities and slopes suitable for all levels and yet more facilities are newly installed every year to maintain its reputation. Only an hour from Seoul, It is the closest ski resort from Seoul and largest Ski area in Seoul metropolitan region.Not only giving you unforgettable memories, but also will be a perfect get-away. It's not all about Ski after all. This perfect ski festival tour package is colored with K-culture theme programmes and activities. Savour every single moments and make the happiest memories with people you love at VIVA SKI FESTIVAL!  Schedule The VIVALDI PARK 2N3D Tour/ shuttle service【TKVIVA-2N】※Only available on 11, 13 & 18 Dec  *Tour price : Adult : KRW 550,000 . Child: KRW 460,000  Sightseeing cable car (Gondola)  *Price : 10,000 won / bit (directly on the top of the mountain)  Ski Crane *Price : 25,000 won / bit (Limited to the day can be unlimited use)  ※If Sightseeing cable car (Gondola) / Ski Crane necessary, please note that the notice (Discount line booking price, the scene to buy without this price)  Day1 07:30~08:30:Hongdae/Myeongdong/Gangnam pick up (홍대/명동/강남 미팅) 10:00 : Registration (환영인사/명단확인)  12:00 : Lunch (Not included) (중식) 13:00 : Ski coach preparation (스키강습준비) 14:00 :【Ski Lesson#1】Ski coach (Ski Lesson#1) 17:00 : Resort check-in & fresh up (체크인/휴식) 18:00 : Korean cooking class & Dinner (Included) (음식만들기 체험) 20:00 : Korea Traditional Hand Craft / Free skiing time (한국전통공예체험/자유스키) 22:00 : Chicken & beer (Chimaek) delivery (Included)(야식배달) Day2 07:00 : Buffet breakfast (Included) (조식 뷔페)  07:00 : Ski coach preparation (스키강습준비) 10:00 : 【Ski Lesson#2】Ski coach (Ski Lesson#2) 12:00 : Lunch (Not included) (중식) 13:00 : Sledding / Free skiing / Ocean World / Equestrian Club (자유스키/눈썰매/오션월드/말타기체험) 17:00 : Break time (휴식) 18:00 : Korean Hanbok (traditional dress) & phoho shooting (한복전통체험/포토타임) 19:00 : Dinner (Included) (석식) 20:00 : Korean Night Party (레크레이션/공연관람/럭키드로우) Day3 07:00 : Buffet breakfast (Included) & Check-out (조식 뷔페)  09:00 : Free skiing / Ocean World / Equestrian Club (자유스키/눈썰매/오션월드/말타기체험)  12:00 : Lunch (Not included) (중식)  13:00 : Free skiing / Movie watching(자유스키/영화관람)자유스키/영화관람)  17:00 : Break time(휴식)  18:00 : Return to Seoul (비발디파크->서울이동)  Accommodation Arrrangement: Family Rom maximum capacity: 3 persons AND 1 child with no extra bed required; Suite Rom maximum capacity: 5 persons INCLUDING 1 child with no extra bed required.  3 persons party: 1 Queen or 2 Twin beds Family Room with 1 Korean Tatami extra bed will be provided.  4 persons party: 2 Famiy Rooms or 1 Suite Room (Plesae advise accommodation preference request upon reservation.  Room preferences are on request only, actual room arrangement subjects to resort on-day room situation. ​Korean food for every meal Feel free to have some Hot Korean street food for free which is prepared just right next to ski slopes. Interested but had no chances to make real Korean Food? Here’s the solution. The master chefs will teach you how to make real-Korean food. The menu changes every year according to participants’ preferences! Programs to feel and learn Korean culture. Korean Night will be a plus one ! COOKING CLASS Interested but had no chances to make real Korean Food? Here’s the solution. The master chefs will teach you how to make real-Korean food, Gochujang, which is the most famous sauce & can be used in most of Korean dishes. The Gochujang you make in the class will be served as your meal! Furthermore, you will be given a bottle of Gochujang so that you can enjoy Korean Food in your home! KOREAN NIGHT You will surely be disappointed without experience of K-performance if you are fan of Korea. For your ultimate experience, we have prepared various K-performance programmes as well as events that you can take part in. Be a winner of surprise lucky draw event! TRADITIONAL KOREA HAND CRAFT One of programmes (natural dyeing , traditional accessory making and knot craft) will be running during the festival. It will be a great chance to discover tradition of Korea and broaden your mind toward Korea. HANBOK (Traditional Korean Costume) Wondered what Korea’s traditional costume Hanbok is? Here’s the chance that you can try it on! We have prepared various types of Hanbok and special space where you can take photos in exotic atmosphere. Indoor Waterpark and Horse Riding! Different options available just incase ski-ers get tired of skiing EQUESTRIAN CLUB (Horse Riding) VIVALDI PARK’s equestrian club is renowned as the most luxurious horse riding club in Korea. Expert instructors, who were the member of national squad of Korea, and carefully selected horses will make sure you to experience ultimate riding ever. OCEAN WORLD (Water Park) Don’t worry even if it is too harsh for you to overcome cold weather in Korea or already tedious of skiing& snow sledding. OCEAN WORLD, world top 5 water park will resolve your worry. Specially designed water-facilities are just perfect for your ideal holiday even in winter. JJIMJILBANG & OUTDOOR HOT SPRING (Korean Sauna) Regardless of season, what Korean does during a whole year is visiting JJIMJILBANG(Korean Sauna). Traditional sauna, hot steam, indoor spa and massage will soothe and melt down your body from fatigue and cold. This is the right place to have real-Korean experience. Why not join us?    Meeting Point 07:30:Hongdae Meeting (Go straight 100m from exit 8 until you see Shandong Building) - 7:30am Hongdae Univ. Station Exit#8 08:00 : Myeongdong Meeting (Airport bus stop next to Lotte Hotel)- 8:00am Euljiro 1- ga Station Exit#8 (Lotte Hotel) 08:30:CALT(City Airport, Logis & Travel)- 8:30am Samsung Station Exit #5 CALT  Included 1. Ski Park admission ticket 2. Ski wear and gear (Ski Poles / Skis, Clothing, Boots, Goggles)  3. 2 nights Daemyung Resort Accommodation with daily buffet breakfast 4. One Vivaldi Park Ocean World admission ticket 5. Round trip shuttle transfer between Seoul and Daemyung Resort  Not included 1. Lunch, dinner and other personal expenses 2. Travel Insuance 3. Ski Helmet, Ski Gloves, scarf (Self-arraged or purchase on-site 4. Ski Lift Pass and Gondola VIVALDI PARK SKI WORLD has been noted for being the most visited Ski resort in Korea for seven consecutive years. It has its state-of-the art facilities and slopes suitable for all levels and yet more facilities are newly installed every year to maintain its reputation. Only 45 minutes from Seoul, It is the closest ski resort from a Seoul and largest Ski area in Seoul metropolitan region. Surely it will not only give you unforgettable memories, but also will be a perfect get away from your busy life. This World-class SKI WORLD can accommodate 20,000 visitors daily, covers combined slope area of 1,322,021m2, total slope length of 6,784m. Among a total of 10 lifts VIVALDI PARK SKI WORLD operates, there is a Asia's first 8-seater express chairlift and 8-seater gondola.

Sold Out
ソウル(城北区) , 三清洞・ソウル北部

1972年に設立されたこの建物は、70~80年代に韓国の政治家たちが重要な交渉や晩餐会を行ったところで、1990年代中ごろに三清閣(サムチョンガク)と名前を変え一時期レストランとして営業していましたが、経営難により1999年12月に廃業しました。 この後2000年にソウル市がこの土地と建物を文化施設に指定し、それまでの上流階級のための排他的なエリアとしてのイメージを取り払い、2001年10月に全く新しい文化空間として生まれ変わりました。 広い敷地に6棟の伝統家屋が建てられており、レストラン、伝統工芸の教室、公演スペース、客室などとして使われています。

ソウル(陽川区) , ソウル西部

大韓仏教曹渓宗 国際禅センターは、韓国の仏教を韓国人および外国人が気軽に体験できる国際的なテンプルステイセンターです。看話禅修業、テンプルステイ、禅文化講座、精進料理伝授など、韓国の伝統仏教文化を体験できるプログラムが運営されています。